Saturday 7 November 2009

Lazy days, calling to you

The first day in about two weeks that I've managed to just be able to relax. I get another tomorrow and I bet I'll get bored by the middle of the day.

I've spent the last two weeks doing work experience every weekday at a local magazine then rushing home to eat, get changed and do paid work for 3 of the evenings. By the time I'd spent my weekend doing everything I hadn't been able to do over the week, it was time to start up again. I complained the whole time, yet loved that I was in demand.

Christmas is going to be hectic too as I have experience in London and will probably have to work Boxing Day. Talk about sacrifice. I won't stop moaning about it and consistently drawing up schedules, even though its over a month away. But once it all dies down, I'll want it again.

There's no pleasing some people.

P.S I can't help but think I should write this all in shorthand, just to practice.

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